1. Nu’monjon Usmonzoda - doctor of historical sciences, professor, rector of the TSPU named after S. Ayni
2. Mulloyev Abdusamad - doctor of philological sciences, professor, vice-rector on scientific work of TSPU named after S. Ayni (Deputy editor-in-chief)
3. Abdullayeva Roziya Khakimovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, vice-rector on international relations of TSPU named after S. Ayni (Executive editor)
4. Nugmonov M. - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of method of teaching mathematics, TSPU S. Ayni
5. Majidova B. - doctor pedagogical sciences, professor of department of early childhood education, TSPU named after S. Ayni
6. Sharipova D. Ya. - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of general pedagogy, TSPU named after S. Ayni
7. Pirumshoyev H. - doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Tajik people department, TSPU named after S. Ayni
8. Ubaidulloyev N. - doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Tajik people department, TSPU named after S. Ayni
9. Khudoidodov A. - doctor of philological sciences, associate professor of Tajik literature department of TSPU named after S. Ayni
10. Jamatov S. S. - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of department of English and comparative typology
11. Gaziyeva M. I. - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of the department of modern Russian language and general linguistics