The Editorial Board of the «Herald of the Pedagogical University» scientific journal adheres to the generally accepted ethical principles of article publication in a civilized society, as well as relies on the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publications.

To ensure the high quality of published materials and recognition of the scientific results of authors, each member of the editorial board, authors, reviewers and publisher undertakes to comply with ethical standards and rules, as well as to take all necessary measures to prevent their violation. Compliance with the ethical rules of publication of scientific materials by all participants in this process helps to guarantee the rights of authors to intellectual property, improve the quality of publications and exclude the possibility of using copyright materials for the selfish purposes of individuals.


Principles of professional ethics in publishing activities

The publisher, in its activities on the publication of scientific articles by authors, bears responsibility and should be guided by the following basic principles and provisions:

  • Promotes compliance with ethical obligations by the journal staff, editorial board, authors and reviewers.
  • Ensures the confidentiality of information of authors' manuscripts and all kinds of information until their publication.
  • Creates conditions for the editorial staff of the journal to reject materials containing plagiarism and false information.
  • The employee responsible for the journal has the right to return the manuscript of the article, in which the rules for preparing the article are not followed, or to require the author to finalize it.
  • The reviewer submits a motivated scientific review of the manuscript to the editorial board with recommendations for its rejection, revision or publication without changes. Criticism of the author's personality is unacceptable.
  • If the reviewer considers his qualification on the content of the manuscript insufficient or for other reasons cannot give it an objective assessment, he/she applies to the editorial board of the journal with the aim of reviewing the article by another specialist.
  • In case of acceptance for publication, the article becomes publicly available, and the copyright is preserved.
  • Information on financial support for research is published, if provided by the author in the article.
  • The content of manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board regardless of racial, national, religious, gender or civil affiliation.
  • In case of detection of technical errors, the editorial board undertakes to take measures to correct them.
  • Editing and stylistic corrections in the text are agreed with the authors.
  • Publication of journal issues is not postponed without valid reason.


Ethical Principles for Authors of Articles

During submitting materials to the editorial office of the journal, the authors acknowledge that they bear the main responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research and must adhere to the following principles:

  • The authors of the article must present reliable results of the research. False or falsified statements are unacceptable.
  • Authors must be confident that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Citations must be formatted with the name of the author and the source. Excessive quotation, plagiarism in all its forms, including unquoted quotations, paraphrasing and appropriation of other people's research results, are unethical and unacceptable. The presence of a quotation without a reference to the source will be considered by the editorial board as plagiarism.
  • Republishing of manuscripts is not allowed. During submitting an article, the author must confirm that it is a primary publication and has not been submitted for publication in another journal. If individual elements of the manuscript have been previously published, the author must refer to these previously published studies.
  • It is necessary to note the contribution of all scientists who contributed to the research, as well as to refer to scientific works that influenced the course of the research.
  • Authors should observe ethical standards when criticizing or commenting on the research of others.
  • Only those who took part in the research can be co-authors. All authors of the article are responsible for its content.
  • Authors are obliged to respect the work of the editorial board and reviewers and must correct the noted shortcomings or explain them reasonably.
  • Authors must prepare and submit manuscripts in accordance with the rules adopted in the journal.
  • In case of detection of a serious error or inaccuracy in the article at the stage of reviewing or after publication, the author is obliged to immediately notify the editorial board of the journal about it.